八木 直人 (Naoto Yagi)

メール: yagi@spring8.or.jp
- タンパク質結晶解析推進室(コーディネータ)
- 利用推進部(参事)
- 神戸大学大学院医学研究科 超微細構造生物学分野 客員教授
- 小角散乱
- イメージング
- 生体計測
- "Functional and Electrical Integration of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes in a Myocardial Infarction Rat Heart," T. Higuchi, S. Miyagawa, J. T. Pearson, S. Fukushima, A. Saito, H. Tsuchimochi, T. Sonobe, Y. Fujii, N. Yagi, A. Astolfo, M. Shirai, Y. Sawa. Cell Transplantation, http://dx.doi.org/10.3727/096368914X685799 2015.
- "An X-ray Image Intensifier for Microsecond Time-resolved Experiments," N. Yagi, K. Aoyama, Journal of Instrumentation, 10, T01002 2015.
- ”X-ray Phase-contrast Computed Tomography visualizes the Microstructure and Degradation Profile of Implanted Biodegradable Scaffolds after Spinal Cord Injury," K. Takashima, M. Hoshino, K. Uesugi, N. Yagi, S. Matsuda, A. Nakahira, N. Osumi, M. Kohzuki, H. Onodera, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 22, 136-142 2015.
- "Chronic Rho-kinase Inhibition improves Left Ventricular Contractile Dysfunction in Early Type-1 Diabetes by Increasing Myosin Cross-bridge Extension," M. T. Waddingham, A. J. Edgley, A. Astolfo, T. Inagaki, Y. Fujii, C.-K. Du, D.-Y. Zhan, H. Tsuchimochi, N. Yagi, D. J. Kelly, M. Shirai, J. T. Pearson, Cardiovascular Diabetology 14:92 2015.
- "In vivo Visualization of Airway Surface Liquid: Monitoring Hydration Improvement in the Assessment of CF Treatments," K. Morgan, M. Donnelley, N. Farrow, A. Fouras, R. Boucher, N. Yagi, Y. Suzuki, A. Takeuchi, K. Uesugi, K. Siu, D. Parsons, Am. J. Resp. Critical Care Med., 190, 469-472 2014.
- "A Comparison of Glycosaminoglycan Distributions, Keratan Sulphate Sulphation Patterns and Collagen Fibril Architecture from Central to Peripheral Regions of the Bovine Cornea," L. T. Y. Ho, A. M. Harris, H. Tanioka, N. Yagi, S. Kinoshita, B. Caterson, A. J. Quantock, R. D. Young, K. M. Meek, Matrix Biology 38, 59-68 2014.
- "X-ray Scattering from Immunostimulatory Tetrapod-Shaped DNAs in Aqueous Solution to Explore Their Biological Activity–Conformation Relationship," Y. Sanada, S. Sakamoto, T. Shiomi, T. Okobira, E. Mylonas, N. Ohta, N. Yagi, M. Nishikawa, I. Akiba, Y. Takakura, K. Sakurai, Journal of Physical Chemistry 118, 10373-10379 2014.
- "Optical Properties of the Lens: an Explanation for the Zones of Discontinuity," M. Bahrami, M. Hoshino, B. Pierscionek, N. Yagi, J. Regini, K. Uesugi, Exp. Eye Res. 124, 93-99 (2014)
- "Changes in Positive End-expiratory Pressure alter the Distribution of Ventilation within the Lung Immediately after Birth in Newborn Rabbits," M. J. Kitchen, M. L. Siew, M. J. Wallace, A. Fouras, R. A. Lewis, N. Yagi, K. Uesugi, A. B. te Pas, S. B. Hooper, PLoS ONE 9, e93391 2014.
- "Structural Changes in Rod Outer Segments of Frog and Mouse after Illumination," N. Yagi, Exp. Eye Res.116, 395-401 2013.
- "The molecular Trigger for High-speed Wing Beats in a Bee," H. Iwamoto, N. Yagi, Science 341, 1243-1246 2013.
- "Hydrophobic Molecules Infiltrating into the PEG Domain of the Core/Shell Interface of a Polymeric Micelle: Evidence Obtained with Anomalous Small-Angle X-ray Scattering," Y. Sanada, I. Akiba, K. Sakurai, K. Shiraishi, M. Yokoyama, E. Mylonas, N. Ohta, N. Yagi, Y. Shinohara, Y. Amemiya, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 135, 2574–2582 2013.
- "Phase Contrast Imaging Reveals Low Lung Volumes and Surface Areas in the Developing Marsupial," S. Simpson, K. Siu, N. Yagi, J Whitley, P. Frappell. PLoS ONE 8, e53805 2013.
- "Anomalous Small-angle X-ray Scattering Study of Structure of Polymer Micelles having Bromines in Hydrophobic Core," I. Akiba, A. Takechi, M. Sakou, M. Handa, Y. Shinohara, Y. Amemiya, N. Yagi, K. Sakurai, Macromolecules 45, 6150-6157 2012.
- "An X-ray Diffraction Study on a Single Rod Outer Segment from Frog Retina," N. Yagi, T. Matsuo, N. Ohta, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 19, 574-578 2012.
- "A Compact Intermediate State of Calmodulin in the Process of Target Binding," Y. Yamada, T. Matsuo, H. Iwamoto, N. Yagi, Biochemistry 51, 3963-3970 2012.
- "A Stimulus-Responsive Shape-Persistent Micelle Bearing a Calix[4]arene Building Block: Reversible pH-dependent Transition between Spherical and Cylindrical Forms," K. Sakurai, S. Fujii, Y. Sanada, T. Nishimura, I. Akiba, N. Yagi, E. Mylonas, Langmuir 28, 3092-3103 2012.
- "Optical Properties of In Situ Eye Lenses Measured with X-ray Talbot Interferometry: A Novel Measure of Growth Process," M. Hoshino, K. Uesugi, N. Yagi, S. Mohri, J. Regini, B. Pierscionek, PLoS ONE 6, e25140 2011.
- "Disrupted myosin Cross-bridge Cycling Kinetics Triggers Muscle Weakness in Nebulin-related Myopathy," J. Ochala, V. L. Lehtokari, H. Iwamoto, M. Li, H. Z. Feng, J. P. Jin, N. Yagi, C. Wallgren-Pettersson, I. Pénisson-Besnier, L. Larsson, FASEB J. 25:1903-1913 2011.
- "A Scanning SAXS/WAXS Study of Rat Brain," N. Yagi. J. Physics: Conference Series 272, 012009 2011.
- "Mechanism of Latency Relaxation in Frog Skeletal Muscle," N. Yagi, Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 105, 180-186 2011.